Tuesday, April 07, 2009

seize the day. that means today. 01

Writing prompt from m.writes: 01. what accomplishments are you proud of? write about the times you put your best self into action.

One of the biggest accomplishments of my life was serving a mission for my church. I knew what I wanted (to serve a mission) and I did the things it took to make it happen (with permission from Heavenly Father). I was exhausted often, but at least I was exhausted because I’d walked miles, talked to people, felt the spirit, and taught.

More recently, I threw away (i.e. recycled) about eight inches of paper. I have a lot of paper. At least six solid boxes (meaning they’re not mixed up with other things like books or knick knacks). Several years ago I outlined a plan to organize and simplify* my stuff (i.e. paper). Since then I’ve worked on keeping less and on sorting the important stuff out of what I already have. I’ve been slowly improving over the years. But I got married and moved into a very small apartment last year. Our apartment is full of boxes (admittedly, some of them are boxes of books, which belong on shelves, but we don’t have enough shelves … yet) and at least half of my husband’s things haven’t moved in yet. So I’m making a concentrated effort to get through the paper boxes. A few months ago I went through a box and got rid of at least half of it! I was so proud of myself! I did it again with another box, so now I have four more to go!

*I don’t know if there is such a thing as simplifying for me. I like to create systems for organizing things, paper, and data and that seems complex, not simple.

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