Friday, October 30, 2009

Good Things happen on Fridays

I felt pretty stressed today. But I got quite a few things done, which made me feel good. Here are a few of the highlights from today:
  1. Reading my scriptures first thing!
  2. D&D's netbook (which they kindly let me borrow for the semester)
  3. Turning in my graduation application (on time!) and being allowed to apply for Spring 2010 graduation instead of having to wait for Fall 2010.
  4. Doing laundry (um. I love clean clothes. and Mother's washer and dryer are wonderful)
  5. Turning in an assignment a week early!! (Ok, so I'm also turning in another assignment a week late, but still!)
  6. Making flashcards. (I think I learn more by making the flashcards than I do from listening to lectures and reading textbooks.)

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