Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unsuccessful and Despondent

I've been wanting to change things on my blog for some time. Last semester I was busy with school, and then we had a whole bunch of adventures from November to January. Today I spent some time trying to make the changes I wanted, but I have not been successful.

I want to have two gadget columns to the right of my post column, and I found a tutorial on how to edit the html myself, but I just couldn't get it right. I created three columns, but I couldn't get more than one gadget in the column I added to my Blogger template. Sigh. So I still have the same layout as before.

I have been wanting a pretty and unique banner, but my attempts at graphic design over the summer were only marginally successful, and I dropped them once school got going. I tried my hand at some digital scrapbooking with a free download from I really like the gold stars, but the overall effect it isn't entirely what I want.

Sigh. Maybe it is just the depression. I feel really disinterested in everything. I wasn't even remotely nervous about the first day of classes yesterday (or maybe that is because this is my eighth semester at this campus). Is this likely to last my whole pregnancy?


  1. I have zero motivation my entire pregnancies.

    My sympathies.

  2. Sorry about your blog not looking the way you want it! I know you'll get it eventually. Baby steps. Just stay interested in the Gospel and I know Heavenly Father will help you out!

  3. Are you feeling better, Ryann? I need a follow-up blog to report on how things are going. You cannot keep this post up for the next two months. Not allowed, my friend! I'm praying for you!
