Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Things happen in April

A couple years ago I read a post by Whitney at Whisker Graphics about focusing on the positive things that happen in our day. She created this awesome printable booklet to help her family (and us) focus on and record 5 Good Things every day. It has been a while since I used the booklet, but I was thinking about it the other day and thought I might post some of my good things once in a while.

Here are 5 Good Things from this week:

  1. Lost Boy got a Safety Monster (a.k.a. bike helmet) to keep him safe on his commute to and from work.
  2. Listening to Baby Two Flowers' adorable babbles and growls.
  3. Qvar and Chlorpheniramine (which banish reduce allergy and asthma misery)
  4. Nice warm sun and nice cool breeze (a break from the rain!)
  5. Hiking with Lost Boy and Baby Two Flowers. I think I spent most of the hike smiling, which is more than I smile in a regular day!
What Good Things happened to you this week?


Saturday, April 09, 2011

What does it take to become a Mom?

     Becoming a mom is like becoming an adult. Just because you turn 18 doesn't mean you know how to be, or feel like, an adult. I think I started to feel like an adult (sometimes) around 23.

     I am starting to feel like a real stay-at-home-mom now. Part of it is due to Baby Two Flowers' increased variety of activities and mobility. She is getting ready to crawl! Much of her floor time is taken up in puhsups and downward facing dog poses. Though she isn't moving much on her hands and knees, she can cover distance with the army crawl! Today I realized that her territory is expanding farther than I thought it was:

      My number one priority every day is picking up the floor and making sure her territory is safe to explore. I have more and more floor space to worry about every day... she hit the kitchen for the first time this afternoon...

     The stay-at-home-mom feeling is also due to the fact that Baby Two Flowers is starting to demand some kind of schedule. If I keep her up to long, she lets me know that it is nap time, or that it is past her bedtime. I have been working very hard on establishing a daily routine for us. I'm not very good at consistency, but as I improve I'm starting to feel like a real (responsible) mom!

     The feeling is also coming from my increased craftiness, I have been sewing a little (Yay!) and working on preparing for holidays BEFORE they arrive (for example, I'm working on a ceramic nativity set for our house for this Christmas.

     I've also been keeping my house cleaner! Hooray! After months of just sitting on the couch or lying on the bed all day, and then months of running out of energy super fast, I'm finally almost keeping up with things! And, I'm making teeny tiny dents on the mountain of boxes in the Project Room!

     Oh, and it was finally dry enough and warm (hot) enough to go to the park this week. That made me REALLY feel like a mom.

What kinds of things make (or made) you feel like a real mom (or dad)?
