Wednesday, October 05, 2011

What I'm into: September 2011

I've been following a new-to-me blog, Sorta Crunchy, for the past few months and every month she does a post about what she's into. I kind of like it, so I thought I'd try it out. Here goes:

Projects I'm into:
I started Aby Garvey's online workshop Organizing Your Paper Clutter. I love it! I am learning how to make decisions about my paper and I'm actually sorting my backlog of paper.

I started washing my hair with baking soda toward the beginning of the month. I read about it on Simple Mom and with very little preamble decided to try it out. I think I'm through the transition phase (where your scalp gets used to not having to overproduce oil to compensate for what gets stripped off by shampoo). The result is ...different. I think I like it. My scalp feels less oily in general and that was what I was shooting for. I keep wanting to write about it, but the words haven't surfaced yet.

Books I'm into:
I read my first Shannon Hale book this month (in less than 24 hours, of course... I have very little control when it comes to fiction!). I read The Goose Girl iconand was very pleased. It didn't have cliche phrases or plot movement. I hardly noticed the words, or the author's voice as I read, which is very rare. My sis-in-law is reading another Shannon Hale book and I told her I have dibs on it when she's done, and before it goes back to the library.

I've also been reading The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History iconby Katherine Ashenburg, which I thought was about the history of housecleaning and cleaning products. It's not. It is about the history of how people bathed. So far it has been interesting, although I decided I'm going to start skimming because in the current chapter 'A Steamy Interlude' there are all sorts of dalliances happening in public baths that I don't need to know about (this is after the Roman Empire, but still a long time ago). I'm interested to see if Ashenburg addresses things like the Oil Cleansing Method later in the book, because I'm interested in trying it.

Lost Boy and I finished reading The House of Many Ways by Dianna Wynne Jones. Howl and Sophie are always fun to read.

TV/Movies I'm into:
It is odd that I should put this up my first time around because we don't watch TV and we very rarely watch movies. But Lost Boy and I watched the web mini-series 'Arc' on Hulu and got totally hooked ...except there is only one season and the episodes are all less than ten minutes, so we're done now.

Blogs I'm into:
Like I said, I've been reading Sorta Crunchy. I found it through the Simple Mom post on being shampoo free. I've really been enjoying Megan's style. She shares herself, her faith, her weakness, and her growth. Even though I only know her through her writing, I feel like her authenticity and crunchiness could rub off on me. That would be cool.

What I'll be into next month:
I'm pushing to finish The Dirt on Clean before I have to re-check it out again. I also have the first Codex Alera book checked out on Lost Boy's library card so I've got to get that read before he owes overdue fines!

A major project is Halloween costumes. Baby Two Flowers is going to be Tinker Bell. I've already thought extensively about her costume, but I'm sure I will be missing a vital piece of it on the day of the Trunk-or-Treat and have to scramble to get us there all dressed up. Also, since Lost Boy has Halloween off work I actually need to come up with something that will make him look like ... a lost boy! He maintains that he will wear his red pajamas, but I was envisioning a teddy bear hood and something with fringes (I don't know why). Guess who I'm planning to be?

An ongoing project is my Paper Clutter class. And smack dab in the middle of the month I'm having ear surgery! Yay!

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